Venus has been considered the factor of calculation (computer). Mars is the factor of electricity and civil engineering and land. Mercury is called the planet that gives craft, logic, calculation. Technical work from Saturn, and planets of machines have been said. The alliance of the sun with Mars helps to become an engineer.
1. Necessary prices: Pancham Bhav / Panchamesh and Dasham / Dashmesh (Important Houses: The Fifth House / lord or The Tenth House / lord)
The fifth house of the horoscope is called the house of education. In order to earn qualification in the technical field, the education in the horoscope of a person should be directly related to Dasham. That means Pancham Ghar / Dasham and Dashmesh should be related to Panchamesh. In addition, this yoga is also seen mainly in the horoscope of doctors. Hospital prices are also added to the horoscope of doctors. Which can separate the two.
2. Essential Planets (Important Planets for Software Programmer Carrer)
Both Mars and Saturn have effect on engineers horoscope. In addition, Rahu / Ketu is also included in this. Along with the fifth house, the fourth house is also called the house of education. The direct effect of Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu on these two planets makes a person an engineer.
3. Amatyakar Planets (3. Amatyaakarak grahas for Software Programmer Carrer)
Using the Gemini Astrology’s amateur can easily understand the uniqueness of livelihood. In this yoga, the planet which makes the most of the relations with the planet, it gets the region according to the factories of the same planet.
4. Decades (Graha Direction for Software Programmer Carrer)
The condition of starting an engineering business, the planets sitting in Dashmesh / Dasham Bhav or the constellation swami of Dashmesh is successful in earning income. The heights of success cannot be touched without proper conditions.
Conditions determine the time of progress. And the pasture starts to get fruits.:
5. अन्य योग (Other Yogas for Software Programmer Carrer)
(a) Education required to go to IT should be of high level. If the second, fourth and fifth house in the horoscope is related to the ninth, lagna and tenth house along with Guru, Mangal, Saturn, Mercury, Saturn and Venus, then the person gets the opportunity to get higher education.
(b) If the zodiac sign of the auspicious planet in the Panchamesh house, the alliance of Panchamesh or the factor of education is related to Guru, Mercury, Mars or visual and Venus and Saturn are connected to both the devices and make the planets related to education, then this person is this Got education in the field. T achieve success in the field.
(C) Guru and Buddha sitting together in the horoscope or Venus and Mangal, Guru and Buddha should be in auspicious house. Even Shani made an alliance with Rahu or visual relation, then it came to the person. T. I succeed in getting higher education.
(d) Gajkesari Yoga of Guru-Chandra (Gaj Kesari Yoga) made in center or Trakon, Mangal should be in the fifth house with Navamesh and Dhanesh. Venus and Mercury are in the zodiac sign of Guru along with the Sun and Ketu which is called the factor of pearl devices. The person who is in the center, being located in the zodiac sign of the Guru, gets the best education.
(D) Pisces should be located in the lagna with Panchamesh, Navamesh and Mangal and Saturn, Sun and Mercury in the centers, and Guru, Venus, sitting in the third and ninth bhav, then the person came. Mother. T. As higher education is successful in getting education from institute.
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