Vastu’s utility for the happy life of husband and wife. In today’s physical world, man is running after material pleasures leaving spirituality. Lack of time has made him indifferent to relationships. But even today man wants to enjoy all the pleasures of the world in his home. For this we have to link married life with Vastu. In fact, what should we do that we get love instead of ego between husband and wife, company instead of competition. Any small reason in home life or practical life turns into a big cause though. Whether it’s economic or with other members of the household. This directly affects the relationship between husband and wife. So the home environment should be such that the negative powers are less and the positive powers are more active. All this can be possible only through Vastu. The Ishan angle of the house is very important. If husband and wife worship together, then their ego will end and the sweetness in the relationship will increase. By lighting a lamp in Tulsi in the evening by Grihalakshmi, negative powers can be reduced. Keep the northern angle of every room in the house clean, especially the bedrooms. One of the reasons for inhabitance between husband and wife is the lack of bedroom in the right direction. If you don’t have accommodation in corner rooms located in the southwest directions, love relationships become bitter, instead of good. The reason why we set the south direction for the bedroom is that the owner of this direction is Yama, power and restful. South and southwest angle is suitable for sleeping comfortably at home. Instead of having a normal photo of husband and wife in the bedroom, it is appropriate according to Vastu. If there is a toilet in the corner room of the north-east directions inside the house, then the life of husband-wife is very turbulent. Economic crisis and child happiness decrease. That’s why it is justified to remove the toilet. Put sea salt in a glass pot if removal is not possible. Replace it if sealed. If this is not possible, put jar of salt in a pot of clay. If the kitchen is not in the right direction inside the house, then you will never get the ideas of husband-wife in such a situation. Bitterness in relationships will increase day by day. The reason the fire burns somewhere else. The right direction of the kitchen is Southeast Angle. There are other alternative directions if not possible in the southeast direction. Between southeast and south, between southeast & east, between north and north. So if we want to make our married life happy and prosperous and expect to make the beautiful dream of life come true. For this, bring happiness in your life by adopting the measures of Vastu with full loyalty and devotion.