If the sun is the sun in the wedding, then the hair of the Jatak is very short. In doing such a kind of act, it is lazy, angry, long stature, cruel – nature and unforgivable. The lagging sun also makes eye patient. If your high zodiac sign is the sun of Aries, then Jatak is successful, but even after this, he is an eye patient. If the sun of Leo zodiac sign is in lagna, then Jatak gets Rataundhi disease. If a strong auspicious planet has a vision of a high zodiac sun, then Jataka is a scholar. If there is a sun of Libra in a marriage, the Jatak is bright and brave, but the one who hates the wise is also poor. If the sun of Cancer is in the first place, then the Jatak can earn knowledge, but his eyes are bloomed. Capricorn sun gives heart disease. The sun of Pisces attracts the Jataka to the opposite sex. If there is a virgo sun in the marriage, then the jatak gives more virgo children.
-Above you read that the planet sitting at the same place by zodiac difference makes a difference in Bhavfal, so never forget this fact when saying Falafal.
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