Some kind of stress, pressure and anxiety (Stress, Pressure and Anxiety) is the effect of negative energy spread around us. If our house is built on universal energy system, all these problems can be easily diagnosed. Millions of case studies and Vastu research around the world have now revealed that negativity does not enter the house built according to Scientific Vastu Shastra. This is the reason why now offices, factories, malls are being built according to Vastu in the country and abroad.
According to Mahavastu, having anti activity (anti activity) in a particular direction of the house causes anxiety or tension. For example, having bedrooms in the east-south-east of the house causes concern. Because this is the directional area of the mind’s churn. Yoga or prayer in this zone also causes anxiety and unrest instead of peace. Hence, one should avoid building bedrooms in the East-South-East direction area.
Although if your bedroom is already in this direction area you don’t need to vandalize the house at all, nor shift the bedroom. Scientific remedy can be done without sabotage by Mahavastu technology that starts giving you positive results within 15 days.
Bedroom already in the East-South-East direction so paint light cream color on the walls of that room. If you want, you can have light cream or shade of yellow or light tone of pastel green. These colors on the walls soak up stress and anxiety to an extent.
The West-North-West directional area is the vastu zone of depression and affecting mental health. One should refrain from making bedrooms in this direction of the house.
If you have built a temple in the South-South-West direction i.e. Spending and wastage zone, it also causes depression. Similarly, the zone of clarity and wisdom. Putting nonsense in the North-East direction or building store rooms or toilets in this house makes people suffer from depression. The best solution is that these activities do not happen in this zone. But sometimes it’s not possible to do so. You can remove the negativity by painting a store room according to Vastu.
You can place a deer sculpture in the West-North-West zone to drive away anxiety. You can wash all the bad experiences before by keeping a washing machine in this zone, which will help you start a new life
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