You like to take side-step to avoid direct clash with others
Issues or attack them indirectly. Aggressive, competitive behavior
Makes you uncomfortable. Drive your ego is too strong and you are not
Not especially ambitious or keen to push your way to the top.
Inner satisfaction is more important to you. You may feel inadequate
Situation that calls for strong, empowered action. But, when you
Feel your loved ones or your family or someone you care about the truth
Being threatened, so you will fight and defend with all perseverance
In the world. That’s what brings out the very strong protective side in you.
Impulse and instinct will take on and you will fight to the end, if
Need to. Go center around your family for your goals and actions and
Love people and they are very personal. Great sacrifice can be made
For them, they may be wrong, even if. Being sensitive to the
Stress, you can’t handle high pressure, competitive situations too much
The well. You can be very emotional moody, irritating and hard to be
Around when there are many demands or tension at work. Your energy
Levels are not stable and many depend on their emotional state
Time, especially as relation to your emotional harmony or discord
Home. You should avoid eating when emotionally disturbed as this dramas
Havoc with your digestive system.
You know, diligent, empathetic, moody, in the defensive posture, perseverance
, spontaneous spontaneous, sensitive, and maybe more-emotional. Control
Your emotions are important to your health and wellbeing.