Manikya (Ruby) is considered a very valuable gem. This is also called chunni and red. The color of Manikya is red. Wearing this soothes the pain of the sun. Manikya is called ‘Ruby’ (Ruby Gemstone) in English.
Facts of Manikya stone in Hindi
* It is said about Manikya Ratna that when something unexpected happens to a person, this gem itself changes its color.
* Many people believe that manikya also reduces the effect of poison.
Horoscope for Manikya (Manikya for Rashi)
Wearing Manikya Ratna has been considered very beneficial for the Leo zodiac people.
Benefits of Manikya in Hindi
* Those who are suffering from the pain of the sun, they are advised to wear Manikya.
* By wearing it man can be saved from defamation.
* Wearing this strengthens married life.
Health Benefits of Manikya in Hindi
Manikya is considered special beneficial in eye disease and heart related diseases. At the same time, it is also beneficial to use in problems like headache.
How to wear Manikya (How to Wear Manikya)
According to astrology, Manikya (Ruby) should be recited while chanting Sun Mantras on Sunday. While wearing Manikya, one should also consider the condition of the sun in the horoscope.
Manikya’s Uparatna (Subsitutes of Manikya)
Often astrologers advise to wear red garnet instead of Manikya.