The owner of this constellation is Mangal, there zodiac sign Swami is Saturn. In the first two stages of Dhanishtha Nakshatra, the birth of the Jatak is Capricorn, Rashi Swami Shani, on the birth in the last two stages, Rashi Kumbh and Rashi Swami Saturn, Varana Shudra, Vashya Jalchar and Nar Yani Singh, Mahavair Vagina Gaj, Gana Rakshas and Nadi The middle is.
Mars and Saturn have the effect of life on the people born in Dhanishtha. Constellation is Strain, but the energy of Mars touches its peak in this constellation, so it is also called Mars of the High.
Symbols: drums, flute, drums or mridang
Goddess: Vasu
Tree: Shami
Color: Light Grey
Letters: Goo, Gay, J
Nakshatra Swami: Mangal
Rashi Swami: Saturn
Physical Formation: Mostly people of this constellation are lean bodies.
Positive side: People born in this constellation are rich in versatility and intelligence. These are specialized in many fields. These are strategic planners, good academics and also good administrators. They contain the power to accumulate and gather resources.
Negative side: If the Mars of the Jatak born in Dhanishtha Nakshatra is bad, then the Jatak will mostly be arrogant, stubborn and stubborn. Due to this nature many types of problems arise. The auspicious effect of Mars ends.
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