Bhav or Dhar – There are 12 foods in the horoscope. Each food has different names according to astrology and has different effects on your personality. First Bhav or Dhar is called Lagna. It gives information about your personality, nature and whole life style. Second Dhar is called Dhan Bhav, it gives information about the money you get in your lifetime. Third place is called the spirit of might, it shows your ability. Fourth Dhar is called Sukh Bhav, it gives information about happiness and glory in your life. The fifth dhar is called son Bhav, it is considered regarding your child. The sixth dhar is called enemy bhav, it is considered regarding your enemies, opponents. The seventh bhav is the attitude of the wife, it is considered regarding the wife. The eighth Bhav is called the rate of death. It is considered regarding the death or life of the Jatak. Ninth Bhav is called Bhagya Bhav. It is considered in relation to your destiny. The tenth house is called Karma and state price. It is considered regarding your workplace. Eleventh house is called income rate it is considered your income. The twelfth house is called an expenditure rate. It takes you into consideration the expenses you make.
The name and brief description of the above Bhavas we have given is partial. Astrology includes other different areas apart from the above written area of these twelve Bhavas and some as per Mansi ji’s statement, this is practically after the orderly Aghhyayan of the horoscope Which thought should be done in what way, it is understood automatically.
Zodiac in 2 Bhavas – This information has been given by Mansi ji earlier. The price in which the zodiac sign will have an effect according to its nature.
मेषो वृषश्च मिथुनः कर्क सिंहकुमारिकाः ।
तुलालिधनुषो नक्रकुम्भमीनास्ततः परम् ।।
Planets sitting in 3 emotions – This information has been given earlier by Mansi ji. The planet in which the spirit will have an impact in accordance with its nature.
4 Planetary Vision – Each planet looks directly at an angle of 90 degrees from its location. The 90-degree angle or straight vision in the horoscope means the seventh earth means all the planets see the seventh house from their sitting house and some planets also have extra vision according to the recognition.
Mangal fourth and eighth, Guru fifth and ninth and Saturn look at the third and tenth house from their place with full effect. The spirit in which the planet will put its vision, it will also have an effect in accordance with its nature.
5 Rashi Swami – According to Vedic beliefs, each planet is the owner of a certain constellation called Rashi and Rashi Swami must take care of its place even if it moves to another zodiac sign due to the planets passage if the planet in the horoscope If it is in his zodiac sign, he will have auspicious effect on that gesture The owners of the zodiac signs are as follows –
1 Aries Mars
Taurus Venus
3 Gemini Mercury
4 Cancer Moon
5 Lion Sun
6 Virgo Mercury
7 Libra to you
8 Scorpio Mars
9 Sagittarius Guru
10 Capricorn Saturn
11 Aquarius Saturn
12 Pisces Guru
6 Planets high and low-level – Planets located in high or low effect have auspicious or bad effect. That is, if the planet of high zodiac is in the price of money, the possibilities of money are always open. Similarly, if the planet is of the lower zodiac sign is money. If you are in feelings, the possibilities of money stops.
Sun Aries 10 Highs Libra 10 Low
Moon Taurus 3 High Scorpio 3 Low
Mangal Capricorn 28 high cancer 28 low
Mercury Virgo Ultimate mean
Guru Cancer 5 Highs Capricorn 5 Low
Fri mean ever high virgin believed low
Saturn Libra 20 Highs Aries 20 Lows
Rahu Mithun Highest Sagittarius Sagittarius
Ketu ghanu never high gemini vigorous low
7 Planets Interactions – Each planets treat each other friendly, hostile and similar according to their nature and Vedic beliefs. We need to know their mutual behavior because in emotions two planets can be together on one planet and another May be planet vision. Given all this we need to know the relationship between planets.
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